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Out now: Definable Traces in the Atmosphere

An anthology of Mike Marqusee's selected articles discussing Bob Dylan, the game of cricket, American Civil rights, Jewish identity, William Blake’s art, nationalism, Big Pharma, Labour Party politics, the films of John Ford, Flamenco music, the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish, the BDS campaign, Muhammad Ali and Italian Renaissance painting amongst many other topics explored with Marqusee's acute, erude and kaleidoscopic writings.

Who’s making excuses now?

Level Playing Field The Hindu, 7 August “The Bombers Are Among Us!” the hoardings across London screamed. It’s the kind of headline that generates heat but not light. And it’s typical of the obstacles Londoners have to negotiate as they struggle to make sense of recent events. The rapid sequence of fearful happenings has bewildered… Read more

Two poems

Two poems published in nthposition Neighbourhood watched Warm rain rises from the high street. Buggy wheels plough through cabbage shells that once were green. Above the sky hurries away on business of its own. We’re safe here for the moment. We’re free to evade each other, darting into shops, eating sandwiches… a humming sound permeates… Read more

Military and mullah

The Guardian, 25 July General Pervez Musharraf has expressed irritation at the “aspersions” cast on Pakistan in the British media. After his extensive efforts to prove his loyalty to the US-British “war on terror” – efforts which have exposed him to assassination attempts – the General’s frustration is understandable. The alleged Pakistani links of the… Read more

Atrocity and introspection

LEVEL PLAYING FIELD The Hindu, 24 July The mid-afternoon queue in my high street bank is long and sluggish. It’s a hot day, by London standards, and everyone looks a little sleepy. There’s a woman in hijab and full length dark cloak, who seems cooler than most of us, standing in front of a middle… Read more

India: Embracing America

LEVEL PLAYING FIELD The Hindu, 10 July THE love affair between the Indian and U.S. establishments continues to blossom. Recently, Defence ministers Pranab Mukherjee and Donald Rumsfeld signed a new 10-year deal on military cooperation. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will shortly be a guest at the White House. Early next year, we’re told, President Bush… Read more

Message from London

A rapid response to this morning’s events This morning, the suffering, grief and terror that have visited so many innocents in recent years came to London. We have not paid the kind of price that people have paid in Fallujah, Najaf or Jenin, but it is a steep price nonetheless. And its root causes are… Read more

Guinness Book of Politics

Red Pepper, July 2005 Book Review Stop the War: The Story of Britain’s Biggest Mass Movement by Andrew Murray and Lindsey German (Bookmarks) The strengths of this publication are Noel Douglas’s vibrant design and its generous helpings of fiery, stylish anti-war visuals – including montages by Peter Kennard and Leon Kuhn, photos by Jess Hurd… Read more

Tangled up in blue-chips

Dylan’s deal with Starbucks is no surprise The Guardian, 30 June “One more cup of coffee before I go / To the valley below…” Will Starbucks customers be dwelling on death’s incoming darkness as they sip their mocha frappacinos and listen to Bob Dylan? Clearly, the corporation is confident that its appeal can withstand even… Read more

G8 protests: who are the hijackers?

LEVEL PLAYING FIELD The Hindu, 26 June “FROM July 6 to 8, violent extremists will be converging on Scotland,” declares the Dissent Network, one of the groups planning militant opposition to the up-coming G8 summit, “They’ll be trying to meet at the Gleneagles hotel, and we’ll be trying to stop them.” A neat inversion of… Read more

Phoenix will not rise from Ashes

The Guardian, 15 June With the arrival of the Australians and the prospect of an Ashes summer, cricket suddenly finds itself enjoying near-football-like status in the media. Advance bookings have broken records at grounds across the country. On eBay, tickets for the first day of the Lord’s Test are being auctioned off at ?300 apiece… Read more